Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Will these memories fade when i leave this town?

So, my mortar board didn't fall off my head and i didn't trip and fall in front of all my professors- it was definitely a good day for me!

This morning, i graduated with an honours degree in Sociology, with my family poudly cheering me on. Not only did i receive closure regarding my years as an undergraduate, i also saw someone (a man, if you must know) i used to like very, very much and felt...nothing. Did i still think him to be as handsome as before? Of course. But for once, my heart didn't race and i wasn't struck dumb (like i usually am in his presence). He smiled, congratulated me and That.Was.It.

It's finally, finally time to move on and fall in love again.

This morning, i graduated with an honours degree in Sociology and it was good.

My thesis supervisor, Dr.Saroja, and Me Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there,
it's me, your old buddy slantedsoul from the od. i hope you haven't forgotten me yet. this is a nice little setup here. i especially like the pics and the fact that blogger seems so much more quiet and less crowded. i hope all is well. congrats on graduation! ~slantedsoul (kelly)

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

~Michelle (Delia demerise)~

You have such a pretty smile! Congrats! *big grin*

4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there! Congrats on graduation! It always feels so nice to realize that you have moved on from a previous crush.

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COOL! congrats!!! ahh, im envious. sociology. SIGH. i did BADLY in the essential research methods and im so reconsidering my major :/

fadeaway. its a relief isnt it? =)

-evading definition

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Gen. I'm so proud of you. Congratulations. I hope you get out there and celebrate to your heart's desire. <3 Because you deserve no less. I hope we catch each other online soon. You look beautiful as always.

Love, Sandy.

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where have you been?

-evading definition

3:03 AM  

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