Thursday, August 12, 2004

Starry-eyed and vaguely disconnected

I'm as busy as a spider spinning daydreams
I'm as giddy as a baby on a swing
I haven't seen a crocus or a rosebud or a robin on the wing
But I feel so gay in a melancholy way
That it might as well be Spring
-It might as well be spring

Isn’t the flower a gorgeous shade of pink? Candice gave it to me a while ago when I met her at the Library@Esplanade to (purportedly) do some reading. Instead, we ended up sitting on the sofa and whispering about friends who were getting married. One of our friends is tying the knot in September and he only starting dating his fiancé in January this year!
I believe that it is highly possible to know when you’ve met the person you’re meant to spend the rest of your life with, your soulmate. I’m a know-er myself (sadly, not when it comes to soulmates. At least, not yet.) so I understand fellow know-ers.
But the practical side of me finds this whole concept slightly dodgy.
Ah well. I’m probably the least apt of persons to comment on love, never having been in love before.
But maybe I will fall in love. Tomorrow, next week, next year. When I’m 30.

Today has been mostly good. June IM-ed this morning to tell me that she absolutely loves this week’s psalm (which she’s singing on Saturday for mass), I met Candice, received a flower, had a blueberry muffin and Chai latte for lunch, bought phone socks for my new phone (see pictures below) and now, Second Chance by 38 Special is playing on the radio- one of my favourite songs ever.
In a while, I shall be leaving for the Singapore Idol recording to see Jo perform. Hope she gets through. Maybe I’ll even see cute Chris and make Andrea very, very jealous.
Before I go get showered and changed (what should I wear??), I must say that I love having friends over at my place. On National day, my choir friends came over to watch the fireworks, the inaugural episode of Singapore Idol (which had us all in stitches) and the episode of Friends where Joey tries to learn enough French from Phoebe to get through his acting audition. Last night, Marilyn, San and Noel came over to watch the second Idol episode and Darren joined us later to fiddle on my computer and fill in some complicated questionnaire on biotechonology. The questions themselves made my head hurt but then again, Darren’s not me. He’s quite the brilliant one.

But I’m the one going for the Idol recording so…go me!!


Blogger aunty_yip said...

Heya! Juz popping by to say Hi! =)

12:46 PM  

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