Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Just trying to get by

This has been a rather tiring Monday for me but at least there's exciting news to be shared with all! My thesis supervisor has been offered a fellowship at YALE!!! I am so happy for her and couldn't stop smiling when i met up with her for a chat this evening. If there's one person who deserves this, it's her. She's my teacher, mentor and friend and i've really been blessed to have her in my life.

So, i had brekkie with Jassmin this morning at Coffee Bean, moved to have lunch at Scotts, went to uni to get my academic transcripts ordered, met Jo (and Chris who suddenly appeared), met Dr.Safman (another professor i've been lucky enough to have been taught by. She's just great!) to discuss my proposal, met Dr.Rajah to talk about studying in Australia, met Mel for tea, met my supervisor for a chat and some reassurance regarding my abilities, had dinner with Darren at NYDC (Oh, baked rice. Yum.) and then finally came home.
I can barely think anymore. But at least it was a good day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent news... congrats to your thesis supervisor!

Coffee. Mmmm. Ive cut back lately. But, I think I will stop by the local coffee shop and get one on the way to my math class tonight.

I hope all is well.


4:23 AM  
Blogger raggedee_ann said...

It was good to see you. :))

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You left. And we never got to say good bye and I never had a chance to call you one last time to even have a verbal good bye. I am really truly sorry and I wish I wasn't sitting for my HSC right now. The timing is terrible. I miss you, though. I really do. And I have just been reading through all your entries to catch up. I MISSED SO MUCH. :(

We totally need to talk soon, dear. We really do. Just about everything. I miss you and hope you are well...

Lots of love,

P.S. Write to me. Or I'll write to you!

7:29 PM  

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