Monday, February 14, 2005

Saying goodbye is never an easy thing

The crying has begun. I guess it has only just hit me that i'll be leaving for another continent.
I'm leaving home- everything that's familiar to me, all the people who have made life worth living. You are my home.

But i'm comforted by the fact that i'm abiding by God's plan for me. I will be ok because He will be there to guide me. He would not have given this to me if He knew i wouldn't be able to handle it.

Fly like a bird to the Lord, my soul.
I want to soar like an eagle.
Though i may journey far away from home,
I know i'll never be alone.
O God, you know where i am.
You know my hopes and my dreams.
In my pondering and fears,
in my joy and in my tears.
O God, your presence is real.

I leave with a sad heart, but that's to be expected. I'm excited to see what lies ahead for me.

I probably won't be able to write for a while as i'm leaving tomorrow- February 16. Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts.
I will miss you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck, Gen! I will be thinking of you and am excited to read about the adventures that lie ahead of you!

2:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck, Gen! I will be thinking of you and am excited to read about the adventures that lie ahead of you!

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi :) I've been debating for so long, whether or not to leave you a note. I have a question to ask you, and am hesitant because I don't want to be rude. I guess the worst that you could do is say no, and if I don't ask I'll never know, so here goes.

I write at Open Diary. I've used the screenname "wildflower" in other places online before, and would love to switch my name on OD to "wildflower". I tried, then found the name was in use. I visited the diary and saw that you had abandoned your diary to come here. Since you do not write at OD anymore, would you ever consider letting me use "wildflower"?

I feel -really- stupid asking...and am ONLY asking because you don't use the name anymore.

Please let me know :)

4:54 PM  

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