Thursday, September 07, 2006

A shelter like no other

Once upon a time, i thought grading essays was the coolest thing ever. Power in my hands and all that. Now, i have 92 sitting before me. I have marked 10 thus far and failed 3. I read the same thing over and over again until i start developing my own (very critical and sophisticated, of course) arguments in my head. I get paid so little for marking and need to finish 6 in an hour, which is an impossible task for me as i take 5 mins per essay thinking about what to write in the big "comments" box.

I love teaching but marking, not so much.

Outside, strong winds make the branches of the tree outside my study bang (gently) against my window. It always startles me. Every 5 minutes.
The storms of spring are here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how beautifully you write Gen. How happy you sound!

Ahh, it's me - remember? Deb.

10:24 PM  
Blogger Mr. Shane Pereira said...

welcome to the markin' club darlin'... walk around and scream every hour or so. it helps... trust me!

5:28 PM  

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