Friday, September 15, 2006

I can trust You with me

You are magnificent, eternally
Wonderful, glorious
No one ever will compare to You

This morning, i had an encounter with God that left me in tears. The way i've been going, the last thing i wanted was an encounter. I didn't want to be brought down to my knees, crying out to God to do what He had to do. But this morning, i was in church, seated right at the back daydreaming. And then the team started singing I love you Lord, which is a song i grew up with. We've never sung this in our church before but it was the right song at the right time. And then, Jesus, lover of my soul and Magnificient.
By the time it was all over, my face was sticky from hot tears rolling down my cheeks.
Building 429's Space in between us and Rebecca St.James' I can trust You have also made me think.

There is a long way to go.


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