Monday, August 09, 2004

I cannot fool my heart

Do you know the feeling of wanting and yet...not wanting?
One minute you're certain...and the next minute you're not.
You thought you had everything figured out, your feelings resolved...and then something pierces through your heart, something so painfully desirable that you immediately tell yourself that it cannot be.
Because it really cannot be.

And if I'm ever the least unsure, I always remind myself
Though you're someone in this world that I'll always choose to love
From now on you're only someone that I used to love

And then, and then you move on.
You start to dream again.
You remind yourself that you're beautiful (you are.).
You are capable of being loved.
Indecisiveness gives way to something akin to...certainty.
Because as wonderful a person as he is, he is
Not The One For You.

And you're ok with that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*hugs you tight* - Michelle (Delia demerise)

2:48 AM  

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