Saturday, August 14, 2004

When the road has been too long

Dinner at Thai Express with Adrian, Jus and Darren was good. I feel comfortable enough with all of them to rattle on about my fear of having some serious neurological problem. And they know about the anxiety attacks and depression so i can be moody without being questioned relentlessly. I do feel a bit better now so i guess you're right, Darren. The three of you did cheer me up. :)

A trip to Video Ezy thereafter resulted in A Walk to Remember, Big Fish and Punch-Drunk Love being borrowed. I've watched the first before and absolutely loved it but i want to watch it again before passing it to Darren.

Maybe i should have had that ice-cream after all. Next week?

Bette Midler's The Rose is playing on Gold 90 now. I loved that song as a young girl. I still do.

It's the heart, afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It's the dream, afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul, afraid of dying
That never learns to live


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad your feeling better, your friends sound great. I love the movie A Walk To Remember. It is such a sweet story and the Mandy's character really inspires you to be a better person. ~Mystic Bluejay

8:09 AM  

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