Friday, November 12, 2004

A secret chord

I went to the beach this evening, alone, for the first time since i came back from Sydney. It had just rained and there was a certain stillness in the air. The sea was calm, the wind was cool, the trees stood refreshed, some of them with orange leaves. A tropical fall evening.

I walked, thinking about the number of panic attacks i had had at the beach in the past. I walked, content with the knowledge that i am stronger now than ever before.
Panic still comes and goes as he pleases. I don't fight him. I let him ride over me because i know that he will get tired and move on.
Everyday i tell myself that i am not going to die; that my headache is not a sign of brain tumor; that my cold won't turn into pneumonia. Of course, i could have a brain tumor and my cold could turn into pneumonia. But if i live thinking about these things, i can never fully live.

And i want to live. I want to travel to Provence and Paris and San Francisco and Hawaii and New Zealand. I want to write. I want to get my PhD. I want to marry the man i love. I want to watch DVDs and eat ice-cream with him after the kids have gone to bed. I want to have children. I want to push my children on the swings. I want to live in a house with a porch. I want to have breakfast on that porch. I want. I want. I want.
I want to live.


Blogger raggedee_ann said...

And you will live! I really really believe that the day will come for you when life will be like you've always wanted. Don't give up your dreams Gen...they will take you places. I'm rooting for you~ *hugs*

4:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



7:23 AM  

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