Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A stranger's light comes on slowly

Hayden and Mattie

This picture always makes me smile, especially after a day like today where most of Sydney could be seen flagging their arms wildly around them as they tried to shoo away the mosquitoes which were out in full force. I was torn between being annoyed as i itched and shooed and being amused because really, it was pretty funny seeing everyone on the streets act the way we did today.
But i come home and see this picture and something inside of me just melts. Hayden, i can speak to about the silliest things. Mattie is so sweet about giving me lifts home and buying me hot chocolates. Hayden's the noisy one. Mattie's the quiet one. They both have beautiful homes. They're both cute. But most of all, they're men of God and that is the most attractive bit.
This picture reminds me of my husband list, which i'm not even embarrassed to admit i have. I know what i'm looking for in a man and and no, i'm not looking for a perfect man. I don't even care if you're a pilot and you want to take me flying. (Sad but true- some man did indeed ask me that on Sunday.)
I'm just looking for Mr. Perfect For Me.

And I cannot wait to meet him.


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