Friday, November 11, 2005

And it feels like now

I had woken up in the morning with a pounding headache, as if i hadn't slept in days. I was spent- physically, mentally and emotionally and my spirit was reacting to this.

And then i went to the beach. I stood on a little hill and looked out into the ocean. A storm was approaching and the waves were crashing against the rocks, almost angrily. The sound of the waves, however, remained soothing as only the sound of the waves can be. The smell, salty. It all seemed so familiar and i instantly felt something deep inside the reaches of my heart, my innermost soul, connecting with this. I let myself go. I let go of my inhibitions; i let go of my tiredness; i let go of my ill health; i let go of my anxiety.
I walk down to the sand and sit. The spiritual nature of the moment is overwhelming. I have my worship CD on and i feel the extent of God's unconditional love for me. I look up into the sky with my eyes closed and breathe in health and trust and safety.

I relinquish control.


Blogger raggedee_ann said...

-tight hug-

my thoughts and prayers are always with you. peace, gen. that is what i wish for you.

i miss you.

12:23 AM  

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