Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Even the best fall down sometime

I can't save the world.
I don't need to.
I'm entitled to have sad days.
I don't need to be everyone's cheer-upper.

I can spend my entire day lolling about in my bathrobe if i feel like it.
I can whinge about the terribly hot Tuesday.
I can whinge about the rain that falls the day after.
I can laugh for no reason.
I can dream about you.
I can dream about our kids.
I can pretend that i don't care.
I can procrastinate.
I can not feel guilty about procrastinating.

I can just be Gen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*big hugs* And you, my dear, are beautiful inside and out. Cheer up!

xOx- Michelle (Love, Delia Demerise)

11:24 AM  

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