Monday, May 15, 2006

I had to find you, tell you i need you

Last night, i fell asleep to the sound of rain pelting against the window pane. Light at first and then heavy and heavier. It brought me comfort only because i was snuggled up under a doona, warm and in the safety of my room. Today, it is cloudy. As i walked back from buying the groceries, i smelled the earth, the distinct smell of rain on soil. For a moment, i felt as if i were in a forest, walking alongside pines, stopping by an unexpected stream to stare at my reflection in the water.
Transition is all around me. As autumn segues into winter, one season in my life is slowly being replaced with another, except i am unsure of what exactly this new season is.

I am enjoying my thesis readings, currently a book called Travellers' Tales.
We all seem to be searching for home and grasp at anything that can give us this. For what are we without a home, any home?

I am also enjoying Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, which i am reading in between my other readings. After hearing so many of my favourite bloggers talk about it, i had to buy myself a copy. And oh, what a book. I haven't felt compelled to sit and simply read in such a long time. It has taken me a while to get back into reading for pleasure. On Saturday afternoon, as Jon did his work, i was able to put my feet up and spend three hours reading this book. No guilt that i should maybe be reading a thesis book. And anyway, there is much in Eat Pray Love about life and home that i sometimes find myself taking notes.

And so darkness descends upon yet another day. From a cold morning to a colder night. I am in a home, warm and safe, with the knowledge that i have a love i probably don't deserve.


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