Monday, February 14, 2005

Saying goodbye is never an easy thing

The crying has begun. I guess it has only just hit me that i'll be leaving for another continent.
I'm leaving home- everything that's familiar to me, all the people who have made life worth living. You are my home.

But i'm comforted by the fact that i'm abiding by God's plan for me. I will be ok because He will be there to guide me. He would not have given this to me if He knew i wouldn't be able to handle it.

Fly like a bird to the Lord, my soul.
I want to soar like an eagle.
Though i may journey far away from home,
I know i'll never be alone.
O God, you know where i am.
You know my hopes and my dreams.
In my pondering and fears,
in my joy and in my tears.
O God, your presence is real.

I leave with a sad heart, but that's to be expected. I'm excited to see what lies ahead for me.

I probably won't be able to write for a while as i'm leaving tomorrow- February 16. Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts.
I will miss you.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

You are everything

Lunar New Year greetings from Rebecca!

My uncle and aunt (Rebecca and Rachel's mum, who is Chinese) invited us over to their place last night to celebrate the Lunar New Year. We tossed yusheng (for prosperity), exchanged oranges, collected hong baos (red packets with money in them) and settled down for a yummy steamboat dinner.

Cultural diversity is cool.

Happy Lunar New Year, everyone!
Tossing the yusheng

Sunday, February 06, 2005

It felt like springtime on this February morning

A new day.
A fresh start.
A chance to make things right.

Go, go, go, yeah.


Wanna help me pack?
Someone has to stop this girl from bringing over every single CD, book, bag, pair of shoes and piece of clothing she's ever owned.
Some semblance of order (my magazines are in piles!) amidst chaos

Who thinks i have too many magazines?

(You can put down your hands already!)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

What a tale your thoughts could tell

I took a trip to Chinatown this afternoon to get a painting for my professor and couldn't resist taking some photos. The juxtaposition of colours, the people, the flowers, the sheer amount of foodstuff and the smell of dried meat (not my favourite smell, to be honest) and pomelos all made for one heck of an afternoon.
I felt like a tourist in my own country as the people gestured excitedly and talked loudly in Mandarin. "Hello girl with the stripes", one man called out to me (or was he leering?). I walked away hurriedly.

Soon, the sun was beating down my back and the number of people had increased tenfold- a sure sign for me to leave.
But not before i photographed my surroundings and the beautiful flowers, bought two tops (for $16!) and a Merlion keychain for Charlie.

Enjoy the photos everyone.

When you've flown like a cannonball

I feel rather satisfied now, after having a nice, hot shower with my "Time for Bed" bath bubbles. Damien Rice plays softly on the radio. The tension in my neck has lessened considerably. My eyes are less strained. I am more coherent.
The whole day has been spent house-hunting online. It was fun for a bit but by the time i reached house no.101, i was just so tired. I can't even inspect these houses till i land in Sydney (in fourteen days) so it all seems rather futile at the moment. Ah well.

Tomorrow, i must collect my plane ticket, visit the adoration room at St.Bernadette's and buy a gift for Dr.Safman.

Last night, we had chocolate cake (from Awfully Chocolate) and Bailey's for dessert.
This evening, i had abovementioned cake for tea.
I loooooove this cake.

Happy 1st of February everyone.
(Can you believe January's over? I can't.)